Engaging Programs
Believe you can and you’re halfway there.
- Theodore Roosevelt
Trust, respect, and dignity are keys to the success of our agency. We focus on choice, decision making, creativity, job-readiness and self-advocacy in each of our engaging programs. This includes community-based excursions and educational experiences, creative arts experiences and four, in-house training and employment programs.

Community Experience Programs
With numerous options for community-based excursions and educational experiences, this program focuses on choice, decision making, and self-advocacy. Community Experiences include activities such as visits to area museums, libraries, or art galleries, taking in local sporting events, theater productions, or concerts - or simply a stroll on a walking trail.

Creative Arts Programs
In a collaborative setting, staff works with participants to discover talents unique to each individual. The program, which focuses on creativity and individuality, is built to be extremely flexible so that the ability of each person is maximized – with mediums include watercolor, acrylic and oil painting, weaving, photography, woodworking, and mixed media among others. Artworks are entered into local contests and fairs, giving individuals a sense of pride and accomplishment with their creations.